• Farex Stage-3 (400gm)

    Farex stage 3 is a substitute of milk for infants. This product is suitable for twelve to twenty four months of babies. This product is made on the concept to provide the baby best nutrition at every stage of growing. It supports infant’s growth and development of all body parts by providing iron, vitamin D, calcium, phosphorus, protein, essential amino acid and all other nutrition which are necessary. This product also forms a strong layer of immunity in the baby in the early days itself.


  • Farex Stage 1

    Farex Stage 1 is an infant milk substitute suitable for infants aged up to 6 month
    Farex is formulated on the precinutri concept, aiming to meet precise nutrition at each stage.
    It supports infant’s development and growth by providing great amount of protein and vital amino acids, vitamin D, calcium, iron and phosphorus.
    It helps to boost Immunity and digestion system.
    This nutritious food is beneficial for infants when breast feeding is not sufficient to meet their nutritional requirements.
    This is 100% vegetarian milk substitute and enriched with all essential nutrients.

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